
Earth Miles


Earth Miles revolutionizes sustainable transport in cities across Europe by offering an innovative loyalty program. This program not only facilitates payment for various modes of eco-friendly transport but also rewards users with Earth Miles points. These points can be redeemed for exciting local rewards, fostering a fun and engaging way to travel sustainably.

At its core, they are dedicated to making green transportation both accessible and enjoyable for all. The brand’s ethos is mirrored in its design, which celebrates diversity and inclusivity, ensuring a welcoming experience for every customer.

Branding for tech companies - earth miles
Earth miles - studio blue
Our solution

To embody their vision of enjoyable and rewarding sustainable transport, Studio Blue developed a brand design that is both playful and innovative. This design captivates users with a seamless experience, rooted in the belief that choosing eco-friendly transport options should come with its rewards.

The reimagined brand design leverages a vibrant color scheme and an intuitive user interface, enhancing the travel experience with Earth Miles. It aims to make journeys more delightful, encouraging users to embrace sustainable travel habits.

The loyalty program is central to the Earth Miles user experience. The design prominently features the advantages of collecting and using Earth Miles points, incentivizing users with a variety of perks and discounts from city-wide rewards partners. This initiative not only promotes sustainable travel but also connects users with local businesses.

By integrating playful aesthetics with state-of-the-art technology, the brand design stands at the intersection of sustainability and innovation. From a user-friendly mobile app to a sleek, modern website, They are committed to providing a top-tier experience that motivates customers to consistently choose and enjoy sustainable mobility options.

Visit their website here

earth miles product - studio blue
Studio blue branding agency - earth miles
Branding within tech - earth miles logo blue
Branding for tech - earth miles logo green
Studio blue project earth miles